Numbers catapult classroom math game
Activities on numbers, ordinal numbers, even & odd numbers, spelling numbers, prime and composite numbers etc
Addition of numbers - catapult math game
Addition of numbers : addition over increasing place value, add larger numbers, add and balance equations etc
Addition of two digits billionaire game
Practice addition of two digits or two place numbers - math billionaire game for 3rd grade math practice.
Decimals - billionaire math game
Introduction to decimals, decimals with shapes, decimals as fractions, converting fractions etc - billionaire math game.
Decimals en garde game
Decimals math game: simplify decimals, add and subtract decimals, fractions / decimals etc en garde duel math game.
Decimals - math rally game
Decimals rally game for 3rd graders - ordering decimals, understanding decimals, converting to decimals etc
Decimals volley pirate classroom game
Decimals game for 3rd graders : inequalities with decimals, add and subtract decimals, ordering decimals, etc
Division billionaire math game
Division game: divisibility rules, division patterns, division of large numbers - billionaire game for 3rd grade children.
Division moonshot classroom math game
Division, dividing small and large numbers, long division, division of multiples of ten, division word problems for 3rd grade children.
Division moonshot math game
3rd grade division game: divisibility rules, small & larger number division, applied division, moonshot game for 3rd graders.
Equations and variables billionaire math game
Equations and variables, expressions with finding 'x', pre - algebra concept, billionaire math game for grade 3.
Equations and variables pirate math game
Math expressions, pre -algebra, equations and variables, math pirate game for 3rd graders to build division skills.
Equations and variables volley pirate classroom game
Equations and variables, finding the unknowns in equations, solve for the variable, x', 'y' etc.Volley pirate classroom game for 3rd grade children.
Estimation and rounding numbers up catapult game
Estimation and rounding up numbers to the nearest one, tenth, hundredth, thousandths catapult game for 3rd grade children.
Estimation and rounding up moonshoot classroom game
Estimation and rounding up numbers game - moonshot classroom (team games) game for 3rd grade children.
Finding 'x' in addition equations - walk the plank math game
Finding 'x' an unknown variable in addition equations - walk the plank math game for 3rd grade practice.
Fractions and decimals snakes and ladders game
Converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions snakes and ladders game for self - testing at home and in classrooms.
Fractions to decimals basketball or hoop shoot game
Converting fractions to decimals basketball or hoop shoot math game. Improve fractions / decimals skills.
Geometry catapult game
Geometry & shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, reflections, open and close curves etc catapult game for 3rd grade children.
Math logic pirate game
Logic with math, logic with word problems, logic with addition & subtraction problems for 3rd grade children.
Logical reasoning rally classroom math game
Logical reasoning, logic applied to daily activities, shopping, time, distance etc rally classroom math game for 3rd grade children.
Multiplication billionaire math game
Multiplication of numbers, single and double digits, multiplication expressions, etc billionaire math game for math practice.
Multiplication of numbers catapult classroom game
Multiply two numbers math game, for teams in a classroom or at home for testing multiplication skills learnt in third grade.
Multiplication rally math game
Multiplication of small numbers, multiplication sentences, multiplication facts, multiplication expressions etc 3rd grade math skills.
Number sequences, billionaire math game
Number sequences, ordering numbers, finding the missing numbers in a number sequence, math game for kids.
Numbers pirate game
Write numbers in words, even & odd numbers, comparing, number sequences, ordinal numbers, write numbers in words math game etc.
Place value volley pirate classroom math game
Place value, ones place, tenths place, hundredths place, thousandths place volley pirate classroom math game for third graders.
Roman numerals billionaire math game
Roman numerals, converting Roman to Arabic numerals game, math billionaire game on numbers for 3rd grade kids.
Roman numerals penalty shootout game
Converting Roman numerals to Arabic numerals football game for self - testing and online practice.
Rounding up numbers billionaire game
Round up numbers to the nearest ten, hundredth or thousandth's place - Math game on number theory and place values.
Spelling numbers above twenty billionaire math game
Learn spelling numbers above 20, learn to count while spelling 1 to 20, math billionaire game for 3rd graders.
Subtraction of numbers billionaire game
Subtract numbers up to three digits, subtract and fill in missing numbers, mixed operations with subtraction, subtract two place numbers, etc
Subtraction moonshot math game
Subtraction of two numbers, subtract 1 from 2 digit numbers, subtract two 2 digit numbers moonshot game for 3rd grade practice.
Surface area of squares and rectangles en garde math game
Finding the surface area of squares and rectangles, formula is length times width; math geometry en garde game for third graders.
3rd grade math games to play in the classroom or at home. These math games were created with the 3rd grade math curriculum in mind. Featuring are: rally, moonshot, snakes and ladders, shape puzzles, walk the plank, basketball, duel game, spin the wheel, billionaire game and more. Each math game was carefully created with graphics and above all a fun component, yet addressing main math topics covered in the third grade like: Numbers (counting above hundreds, Roman numerals, spelling numbers, ordinal numbers, skip-counting, comparing numbers, even and odd numbers etc), division (quick facts, larger numbers and division word problems), place values (tenths, hundredths and thousandths place), geometry (finding areas and perimeter of figure), reflection, symmetry, volume, ) money, multiplication (of small to large numbers, word problems), decimals, time, probability and statistics etc. These games can suitable be used in classrooms and at home by students, teacher or parents. They are offline and free, hence can be accessed at all times of the day. Make kids math champions with the games on this page.