Addition of 3 digit numbers memory game
Add three place numbers memory game, learn to add and carry, adding without regrouping, improve addition of large numbers skills as learned in 6th grade
6th grade addition en garde game
Practice addition of big numbers in this en garde duel game, addition of two, three, four and five place numbers.
Addition math memory game
Grade 6 addition math memory game, add large numbers, add three numbers, add up to millions, add and regroup, add without carrying etc. Math game for 6th grade children.
Algebra, finding missing variables memory game
Algebra, pre - algebra, algebraic expressions, finding missing values, making the subject of the formula, etc. Math memory game for 6th grade children.
6th grade algebra pirate game
Practice algebra pirate game at 6th grade with a pirate games for individual self - testing and for teams in a classroom. Find the missing variables in the equations.
Sixth grade algebra walk the plank game
Math algebra game, learn algebraic expressions, subject of the formula, find 'x' and 'y' in equations etc walk the plank game for 6th grade children.
Calculate the circumference of circles, click map game
Finding the circumference of circles, pie times the radius squared, geometry math problems for 6th grade with click map games.
Decimal problems, math catapult game
Decimals catapult math game for 6th graders, add and subtract decimals, divide numbers with decimals, round up decimals, multiply decimals and more
Division of numbers click map game
Division of two and three digit numbers click map game, division quick facts, division exercises and more for 6th grade children.
Exponents / powers crocodile board game
Powers and Exponents crocodile math board game for kids, raise numbers to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc powers and start understanding square roots.
Exponents pirate board game
Practice math while playing this Exponents pirate board game for 6th grade children.
Fractions moonshot game
Practice math while playing this Fractions moonshoot game for 6th grade children.
Geometry math rally game
Practice math while playing this Geometry rally game for 6th grade children.
Greatest common factor math memory game
Practice math while playing this Greatest common factor memory game for 6th grade children.
Greatest common factor memory game
Practice math while playing this Greatest common factor memory game for 6th grade kids.
Integers 6th grade pirate game
Practice math while playing this Integers pirate game for 6th grade children.
Locate points in (x,y) axis click map game
Practice math while playing this Locate points in (x,y) axis click map game for 6th grade children.
Metric systems memory game
Practice math while playing this Metric system memory game for 6th grade children.
Multiplication of numbers crocodile board game
Practice math while playing this Multiplication crocodile board game for 6th grade children.
Multiplication memory game
Practice math while playing this Multiplication memory game for 6th grade children.
Multiplication pirate math board game
Practice math while playing this Multiplication pirate board game for 6th grade children.
Number theory crocodile board game
Practice math while playing this Numbers crocodile board game for 6th grade children.
Numbers pirate board game
Practice math while playing this Numbers pirate board game for 6th grade children.
Percentage and decimals memory game
Practice math while playing this Percentage to decimals memory game for 6th grade children.
Ratios crocodile math board game
Practice math while playing this Ratios crocodile board game for 6th grade children.
Ratios pirate board game
Practice math while playing this Ratios pirate board game for 6th grade children.
Square roots catapult team game
Practice math while playing this Square roots catapult game for 6th grade children.
Subtraction memory game
Practice math while playing this Subtraction memory game for 6th grade children.
Find Surface area of circles click map game
Practice math while playing this Surface area of circles click map game for 6th grade children.
The challenging nature of 6th grade math triggered our imaginations on ways of making it more fun and easy. At MathFox, we offer a variety of games like: rally, moonshot, snakes and ladders, shape puzzles, walk the plank, basketball, duel game, spin the wheel, billionaire game and more. These games are suitable at home and in the classroom; some (with one click) can be converted to group games with several competing teams. Although not all math topics were covered, the following areas are cardinal for 6th graders: whole numbers, decimals (place value with decimals, rounding decimals, adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals, ordering decimals, inequalities with decimals, etc), algebra (multi-step operations, algebraic expressions, order of operations, linear functions, distributive property etc), measurement (converting between units of measurement, reading scales, converting between scales etc ), money and consumer math, integers (adding and subtracting integers, finding absolute values, etc), number theory (HCF, LCM, even and odd numbers, number progressions, prime factorization, scientific notation etc) etc. Most of these math skills and interrelated and kids should avoiding missing out on some topics. Have fun with our games studying 6th grade math.