Pre-K Math Card Games
Preschool math card games to practice preschool math activities and more like - Shapes ( square, cube, circle, cone, comparisons cylinder, oval, sphere etc), telling time, counting and recognizing numbers, relating shapes to daily life objects, introduction to addition, subtraction etc. This is called the round table math card game. Each set of cards has 36 cards, each containing 36 problems. Print out and laminate a set of cards, get kids to sit around a table, taking turns drawing cards and answering questions. Print out the rules of the game plus a set of 36 cards below and make your pre-k class or homeschooling experience fun.

- Addition to zero with pictures
- Addition to 1 with pictures
- Addition to 2 with pictures
- Addition with sums up to 10
- Addition with sums > 10
- Counting circles up to 5
- Counting circles up to 10
- Number lines up to 10
- Number positions on number lines
- Counting in twos
- Addition of money - coins
- Classification and sorting
- Comparison or numbers
- Comparison of objects
- Comparison of shapes
- Left / right positions
- Left, right, middle positions
- Top, middle bottom positions
- Location in a 3 by 3 grid
- Inside or outside positions
- Identify shapes squares,
- Circles, pentagon, triangle
- Compare shapes to real life objects
- Symmetry
- Shapes word problem
- Say number names 1 to 10
- Say number names 10 to 20
- Say number names 20 to 37
- Learn to recognize numbers
- Learn to spell numbers
- Introduction to subtraction
- Subtract zero with pictures
- Subtract 1 with pictures
- Subtract numbers to get zero
- and more on subtraction
- Time on clocks
- Time at exact hours
- Time 30 mins past
- Time on digital clocks
- and more on time