Comparison of numbers and objects math activities
Comparison of numbers and objects: math games, quizzes, worksheets, tests, PPT games, board games, card games and more for children. Activities and resources cover the following comparison topics: Comparing with pictures, comparing dots, comparing objects in a mixed group, compare objects taller, shorter, lighter, bigger, compare numbers greater than of less than, compare fractions, compare after adding or subtracting etc. Suitable for Children in the following grades : Pre-k, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade.
Comparing for Preschool
Compare more few with dots
Compare more few with pics
Comparison shapes numbers pre k rally game
Size comparison preschool catapult game
Compare groups of objects
Compare objects in a mixed group
Compare objects more less or equal
Compare with different groups
Comparing and Sorting for Kindergarten
Compare mixed groups with pics
Compare more few with dots
Compare more few with pics
Comparison game for kindergarten
Compare groups of objects
Compare objects in a mixed group
Compare objects more less or equal
Compare with different groups
Lighter or heavier
Size long or short
Size tall or short
Comparing for 1st Grade
Compare mixed groups of objects with pics
Compare more few with dots
Compare more few with pictures
Comparing numbers up to 100
Comparisons number 1 to 10
Comparisons numbers 20 to 98
Comparisons shuffled Objects
Comparisons game for 1st Grade
Comparing olympic jeopardy 2
Comparing for 2nd Grade
Comparison of objects heavy or light
Comparisons numbers up to 100
Comparisons game for 2nd Grade
Comparing Olympic jeopardy
Comparisons and inequalities Card game
Compare amounts of money us dollars
Compare numbers 1 to 100
Comparing for 3rd Grade
Compare amounts of money us dollars
Compare and order numbers up to 1000
Compare numbers up to 1000
Comparing numbers with addition subtraction
Comparing for 4th and 5th Grade Quiz
Compare and order numbers up to 1000
Compare fractions greater than or less than
Compare fractions less than greater than equal to
Compare integers greater than or less than
Compare numbers up to 1000
Comparing fractions
Comparing numbers with addition subtraction
Comparison with inequalities subtraction and addition