Estimation and rounding up numbers math activities
Estimation and rounding up numbers math activities for children - worksheets, games, quizzes, tests, PowerPoint games, board games, card games . Estimation topics include: introduction to estimation, estimation with pictures, round up numbers to nearest ten, nearest hundred, nearest thousand, etc .Suitable resources on estimation and rounding up numbers for children in the following grades : 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade.
Estimation activities for 1st Grade
Estimating numbers illustrated
Estimation and rounding up activities for 2nd Grade
Estimation of numbers to nearest hundred
Estimation of numbers to nearest ten
Estimation to nearest thousand
Rounding numbers game for 2nd grade
Estimation Jeopardy millionaire game
Estimation and rounding up activities for 3rd Grade
Estimation nearest thousand
Rounding to the nearest thousand
Estimation and rounding up game for 3rd grade

Estimate numbers by rounding up 1

Estimating with addition problems

Round up and estimate numbers

Round up numbers to the nearest hundred

Round up numbers to the nearest thousand

Round up to the nearest hundred

Round up to the nearest thousand