Numbers and number theory math activities for children
Numbers and number theory math activities for children - math worksheets, games, quizzes, tests, PowerPoint games, board games, card games .Materials cover the following number theory topics: comparison, spelling numbers, LCM, GCF, ordering numbers, round up numbers, number sequences, number system etc. Numbers resources for kids in the following grades : 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade.
Numbers - activities for 4th Grade
Numbers Millionaire Jeopardy

Composite prime numbers

Even or odd numbers with addition

Find the sign in the bracket + or -

Identify ordinal and cardinal numbers

Number sequence

Numbers before after and between

Position of even and odd numbers

Spell numbers up to millions

Spelling numbers up to 1000
Number theory activity for 5th Grade
Prime and composite numbers
Round up numbers up to millions
Scientific notation and standard form

Find the greatest common factor

Find the lowest common multiple

Find the sign in the bracket + or -

Identify ordinal and cardinal numbers

Number sequence

Position of even and odd numbers

Spell numbers up to millions

Spelling numbers up to 1000
Number activities for 6th Grade
Place value of to millions
Scientific notation and standard form
Square roots catapult game

Find the greatest common factor

Find the lowest common multiple
Number sequence activities for 7th Grade
Mixed decimal number patterns
Mixed decimal number patterns2
Number theory activities for 7th Grade