Worksheets on data, graphs and sets - PDF
Worksheets on data, graphs and sets for children to print and practice. Suitable PDF printable data and graphs worksheets for children in the following grades : kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade and 7th grade. Worksheets cover the following graphs and data topics: sets and Venn diagrams, bar graphs, linear graphs, plotting graphs, reading data on graphs, interpreting curves, coordinates (XY), location of points, plotting data on shopping lists etc.
Data Graphs worksheets for Kindergarten and 1st Grade
Grade 1 represent animals
Grade 1 tally marks representation
Interprete data on bar graphs
Data and Graphs for 2nd Grade
Represent animals on graph
Represent data on graph review
Tally marks representation
Data and Graphs for 3rd Grade
Graph of daily attendance
Graphs of fruits picked at a farm
Represent animals on graph
Tally marks representation
Data and Graphs for 4th Grade
Bar and linear graphs practice sheet
Freedom of setting graph worksheet
X Y coordinate practice sheet
Data and Graphs for 5th Grade
Bar and linear graphs practice sheet
Freedom of setting graph worksheet
X Y coordinate practice sheet
Data and Graphs for 6th Grade
Bar and linear graphs practice sheet
Freedom of setting graph worksheet
X Y coordinate practice sheet
Tables, Data and Graphs for 7th Grade
Graphing linear equations